Beneath a Steel Sky

UK studio Revolution Software might be most famous for their "Broken Sword" series of adventure games, but before they released those they had found quite some success already. After their first game "Lure of the Temptress" in 1992 did well, they had higher ambitions for their second game: "Beneath a Steel Sky". Working together with comic artist Dave Gibbons they developed a dystopian cyberpunk world in which you play Robert Foster, a fugitive who tries to stay out of the hands of the law, together with his robot companion Joey. Heavy stuff! Luckily there are plenty of jokes sprinkled throughout the game to keep light-hearted and fun, so it's no wonder really Beneath a Steel Sky won our adventure game poll (see links below). Time to check it out!

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") we have DGC members Wesley ("Wesbat") and Dave ("dajaho"), both first time joining the podcast. Also joining is James Woodcock from Not only has James created a free to download "fan-made enhanced soundtrack" for Beneath a Steel Sky using more capable MIDI hardware than typically found in a gamer's PC; he also hosts a podcast together with Tony Warriner, co-founder of Revolution Software.

Last but not least we kindly received a voice message from DGC member Watchful, for which we are very thankful. You too can send us a voice message, by emailing it to

Thank you for using LINC and be vigilant!

[ download mp3 ] (114 mins, 130 MB)

Many thanks to DGC member Richard ("Pix") who helped produce the show, and to DGC member Bernd ("console") who edited this episode. Thanks to all who help us make this show possible, we can't do it without you!


* DGC adventure game poll on Mastodon which Beneath a Steel Sky won

* Download Beneath a Steel Sky for free from

* Fan-made enhanced soundtrack for Beneath a Steel Sky by James Woodcock

* Game & Gadget podcast with James Woodcock and Tony Warriner

* Revolution: the quest for game development greatness Tony Warriner's book on the history of Revolution Software

* UK magazine reviews scanned by DGC member Pix

20 Feb 2025

One Reply to “Beneath a Steel Sky”

prowler says:

if i’m not mistaken, i THINK this style of writing was inspired by COMIC books. like the dialogue in the intro had this same kind of emphasis

i for one LOVED it and every time i played the game i wanted to write everything in that style for a while

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