
Hey hey!
Seems like we're still behind schedule, but at least it's not getting worse, as proven by this new episode. Also, we're going to record the next episode in just a few days which will mean we're back on track.
Anyway, this time we discussed our April game: Blizzard's classic platformer BlackThorne (or BlackHawk in some regions of the world).
Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") were accompanied by returning guests Oddvar ("dollarone") and Jozef ("yozy").
[ download mp3 ] (89 mins, 71 MB)
* Download BlackThorne for free from - it seems the download is not available for all regions, but for some people this link might work
* Download the 2013 freeware edition of Blackthorne from - if the Blizzard link doesn't let you download the game, you can get it here
* DOS Game Club member Richard ("pix") scanned some UK magazine reviews of BlackThorne
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