Anyone for trying some multi-player?

Home Forums Previous Months 55 – March 2021: Rise of the Triad Anyone for trying some multi-player?

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  • watchful

    I know it’s the 11th hour 😉 but was hoping to try ROTT MP as I personally find the SP a bit boring.

    So even if you read this long after 2021-03 let me know if there’s a time and mode you’d like to do MP. (Discord handle is in my forum bio.)


    I’d still be up for a match! Not sure how well it will work, judging from how laggy original DOOM is over TCP.


    Sorry I did not see this sooner. Based on my research it’s hard to run over modern Internet. There are a few projects promising it though they all look a bit sketch.

    Fingers crossed the stalled remaster will come out before the heat death of the universe.

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Home Forums Previous Months 55 – March 2021: Rise of the Triad Anyone for trying some multi-player?