Hi! I’d like to suggest Ascendancy. It’s a great game I still play very often and it has features I’ve seen in several more modern games, like OGame or Endless Sky. Also, there’s an online manual around with lots of details about it. Very interesting game 🙂
Looks great! Good presentation, and from the screenshots and descriptions it sounds like it captures the epic space vibe really well.
I usually love the idea of these kinds of games, but the complexity and depth tend to intimidate me.
This is my favourite 4X game ever. Although flawed as it is (the AI isn’t great), I still play it every now and then because it is so fun.
My vote as well for Ascendancy!
I remember this one especially because of the soundtrack! I think it still sounds great to this day since it sets the “space exploration” vibe. I also remember not understanding some things from the tech tree because I was a teen and English is not my first language, so I had to check a dictionary and an encyclopedia just to grasp some of the stuff on the screen.
Also, the original poster mentioned an online manual. Maybe it is this one:
Fun game. Always on the top of my mind when I think about DOS games.
I remember there being an official AI patch found here.
One of my favorites as well, despite the flaws! There’s a mobile version of it I believe, though I haven’t tried it

This will be our September 2025 game!
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