Beating Later Episodes

I got the feeling that it is essential to get very good results (in terms of money collected) in every episode.
I started episode 2 after finished episode 1 with a score of about 80000. The weapons I could afford for that money hardly made a dent in the enemies. So I replayed episode 1 and finished with about 110000, which made the beginning of episode 2 easier, but still really hard. I think under 150000 it hardly makes sense to continue to episode 2.
What do you think?
One thing that sometimes you don’t notice is that you can upgrade your weapons in the story mode store (arrows right/left on the keyboard, or in the panel under the ship display).
It really doesn’t get hard until episode 4, so keep going!

Oh, I’m doing that 🙂 Spending all the money on weapons. But when I reach episode 2, my weapons can’t manage to destroy any of the enemies before they fly off screen.
There are also some free upgrades you can get during certain levels. I think collecting all of them, too, would help.
But yeah, I don’t kill enough enemies to get enough money to buy enough weapons for episode 2, which in turn means I make even less money…
What you might want to do is find some secret levels, collect fruit/gems/etc. and just try different weapons. Also, the generator is key, as some higher tier weapons will just eat your power and you’ll be stuck with a low rate of fire.

Ugh. But the secret levels are terrible 🙂
I’ve always managed the generator such that I can have continuous fire and still recharge my shields.
Depends a bit on the difficulty level (higher = higher enemy HP), but you can watch our speedruns of story mode (on easy) to get an idea.

Yeah, maybe I should try easy 🙂 I’ve been playing on the medium difficulty level, whatever it’s called (“Medium”, I guess :-p).
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