[DONE! x4] Best DOS games evva

Home Forums Game Suggestions Accepted Suggestions [DONE! x4] Best DOS games evva

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  • dollarone

    I want to suggest The Incredible Machine which is amazing – I spent so much time with this game in the 90s.

    I think my favourite “slightly less known” game is Master of Magic which is like a fantasy version of Civilization and includes my favourite typo: +1 sepll power.

    Edit: Also Scorched Earth! So good!

    Admin Edit: We played the grand total of 4 (four!!) games from this thread over the months. Discuss them in their dedicated forums:

    Scorched Earch (June 2017)
    Strike Commander (June 2017)
    The Incredible Machine (January 2018)
    Grand Prix Circuit (April 2017)


    Grand Prix Circuit was awesome. It might have aged a bit though 😀


    Grand Prix Circuit is one of my oldest games memories. Played it on a friend’s computer in primary school. We didn’t understand anything about DOS back then and he had a list of commands we had to type to start different games he had installed (I remember Grand Prix Circuit, Arkanoid and Battle Chess).

    Since all commands began with “cd” we thought that was meant to select the game and the actual executable name was some kind of password.

    So, “cd granprix” and then the password “gpega” 😀

    It was all very mysterious back then. I was wondering what other games where hidden on the machine that we would never find because we didn’t know the name or the “password”.

    He also knew about “dir”, which we tried and whcih displayed some arcane information we never understood, but of course we noticed that granprix and chess were among them words it showed so we tried the others but failed at the “password” of course.

    Ah, children are dumb 😀


    Strike Commander possibly the best flight simulator game ever made. It was about more than just the flying, the story was compelling and balancing the budget for your weapons as a mercenary added an interesting dimension.


    Strike Commander looks interesting! I like dogfight games anyway!


    Descent is an amazing fps. I loved the hordes of robots to shoot and the fun soundtrack.

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Home Forums Game Suggestions Accepted Suggestions [DONE! x4] Best DOS games evva