Best Way To Play? ScummVM, Steam, ExoDOS, OG hardware
Curious what way folks will play this, since there are so many — including three OG ‘talkie’ ports: DOS, Mac, FM Towns. So far I’ve gotten FM Towns version working in ScummVM because it has smooth scrolling.
Here is a version comparison, for the curious. And this is a tweak guide for the GOG version.
Thanks for the version comparison video.
On my side, I’ve played it in ScummVM using DOS CD version with “fakelottes” filter, and it worked just fine, no issues experienced.
One additional thing that someone might find useful: I personally prefer to have dialogues both in Voice & Text mode instead of Voice Only, CTRL+T lets you change that.
I just bought the GOG version, so will probably try that.

I’ve got the GOG version as well, but instead of playing it with the provided version of ScummVM (which is very old) I imported into a more modern release, which is imho a lot nicer.
Pretty sure I played the non-talkie version in the past. I think I’ll give the DOS talkie version a go.
(That’s if I get around to playing it at all- I’m away for two weeks this month!)

Probably buy the game through GOG (or use a disc if you own one) and then play it with ScummVM or DREAMM.
DREAMM is an emulator made by Lucasarts alumni Aaron Giles and is a little more focused on providing accurate emulation of Lucasarts games, like using the same menus instead of ScummVM having their own menus pop up. It’s really neat and worth checking out even if you don’t use it for this game
Luckily my brother gave/lent me his copy of the DOS original on CD with the hint book included. I played it through with my wife on vintage hardware (Compaq Presario 2200 desktop). It gave me a chance to try out the OPL3LPT adaptor that I picked up for that machine since it has a dearth of ports (no USB is such a bummer). We had a great time.
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