Better mouse look

If you also think that the default mouse look mode is weird, I have stumbled upon this tool called bmouse which kind of fixes it for Build based games.
The tool can be downloaded here, in the downloads section (it’s in the sidebar on the left).
*Warning* glorious 90’s site incoming *Warning*
The setup for blood is nicely explained in the readme file after that.

Mouse look was weird in all those old shooters. I think Quake was the first to get it right? Thanks for the link!
I actually play all original DOOM and Build engine games with keyboard only, just because the mouselook is not right in them. They also don’t really require a mouse.
Source ports (Doomsday, eDuke32) are a different thing. It feels more natural to use mouse + WASD there.

Yeah. It’s mostly a force of habit and that arrow keys on Macs are really not good for gaming. Also with a mouse look it is easier to strafe.
How much does Blood auto-aim? Is it like Doom? Because the game does have a look up-down controls by default.
I’m still in the camp of using keyboard-only for BUILD games, even with Ion Maiden. However I spend most days on a laptop where it feels more practical to have that non-mouse setup.
I think the auto-aim cone is narrower than with Doom, I have noticed times that it did not want to pick up monsters especially on a high level of pitch.

*Warning* glorious 90’s site incoming *Warning*
Oh man, that site is glorious!
Did anyone check the SECRETS AND CHEATS section?
Are any of those “secrets” true?
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