Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1984
I feel like the other ancestor of Wolf3D should be brought up here at some point. I was reminded that Id didn’t invent the concept from watchful’s posted magazine review. It was actually based loosely on a game originally on the apple ii from 1981, and ported to DOS in 1984.

I remember trying it out a few years ago, and I just gave it another go now. It’s pretty neat in its own way, especially for the time. The problem, as with so many PC games of the era, is the controls. I’ve no doubt I’d get used to them eventually, but they’re pretty counter-intuitive and frustrating to start with.
We had heaps of little CGA time wasters on our 8088 when I was a kid, but I feel like if we’d had this one it would have been one of my favourites. It’s a pretty decent action game from the 80s in an era when the PC platform didn’t get a lot of love from game developers or ports.
Pretty interesting how many incarnations of Wolfenstein there’s been over the years. Guess I should give the original a try too since I’ve played all the others…
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