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  • crazydescent

    A game I really enjoyed..A weird mix of sci-fi, a novel (if you want to read TONS of lore found in terminals) and precise or button mashing combat, depending on your preference.

    And of course, lots of 3d rendered background, cgi intro and just tons of atmosphere.


    Also enjoyed this game, though had to use a walkthrough back in the day as it’s got some serious moon logic!

    Still, the art and sci-fi was worth the pain for me. Tank controls too were quite annoying. At every camera change I yearned for click-where-you-want-to-go mouse control.


    Haha yeah there’s a door-lock puzzle that I just click randomdly a hundred times till it’s solved..
    Tank controls are clunky as hell for normal movement, but make for some interesting combat mechanics I think.
    But yes, in the end the story and graphics made me forgive any of it’s flaws..
    Nice sound design as well, with the ominous computer voices warning of the critical reactor levels etc.

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