64 bit

Hello everybody,
if you are playing DOS games on Mac you might be using the Boxer app for that and may be annoyed because of the 64-bit incompatibility prompts. I was annoyed too. It turns out that the current Boxer version already has a 64bit branch and it does include the newer DOSBox, but the development seems to have stopped.
I have pulled in the branch, did some quick fixes for crashers and it does seem to work now. So, if anybody is interested you can grab my compiled bundle here.
I’ll try to make a better version soon-ish, since I am not exactly sure if my mods are done the right way. So far I have not yet contacted Boxer people about it, so please don’t report any bugs into their tracker.

Wow, this is pretty cool! I love Boxer so I’ll definitely check this out.
That being said, I’ve never actually seen such a warning for Boxer though, haha.
Thanks a lot … greetings from France !
Wow, thank you… Works well on Catalina, but i have a problem with my ps4 controller sticks, on previous versions i can use this like directional keys but not now.
Sensible World Of Soccer sadly runs with slowdowns on this port version… Any suggestion?
Anyway thanks a lot for porting this to 64 bit!
I made a user on this site just to say: Thank you so much for making this update 🙂 I listened to the “Men of Low Morale Fiber” podcast last night, an episode where they talk about Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, and so I just had to play it again 🙂

I’ve seen that some people have looked at the github repo and realized that I have not pushed my changes. So I have done that now. If anybody is interested to collaborate do not hesitate to send pull requests. It would be cool if DGC took over the project!
Just logged in to say thanks for this effort! Do you plan to keep it up? I know that there are still some performance and joystick issues for some people. I’d be glad to chip in if you have a PayPal or a Patreon for the effort.

Hey! Thanks for the offer but unfortunately maintaining this is a bit out of my skillset.
However, the work was picked up by the awesome MaddTheSane. There is a GitHub thread with some discussion
There are somewhat old binary builds of Madd’s branch here
I may try to re-release a new binary build from his branch. As far as I understand there were some issues with performance compared to the latest DOSBox due to some OpenGL issue.
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