Hi there!
A new member reporting in from Spain 🙂 I’m a mid40s guy who spent his teens copying diskettes (xcopy.exe FTW!), reading game magazines and playing on my 386. So I’m absolutely amazed and happy to have found your community. I don’t usually listen to podcasts (I’m actually downloading the MP3s from your site), so I’m a bit ashamed of having taken so long to find you, guys! Anyway, thrilled to see that I’m not alone in my DOS obsession! 😀 haha
So… hi there! 🙂 I’m still listening to past episodes, but I hope to participate on the forums and playing the proposed games whenever time and kids allow it 😉
Love the site’s design, BTW. Kudos!

Welcome aboard! And thanks for the kudos, we’re quite proud of it 😀
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