Cheesy Software
Back when I was a kid, my dad somehow found these shareware games by Cheesy Software, and they’ve been on every computer I’ve owned since. The ones I played most were Cheesy Invaders and Megapede, but there are a few others, including a remake of Scorched Earth!
They’re quite small games, so if they end up being a podcast topic, I reckon have multiple in one episode.
Here’s a link:
I also have an earlier version of Cheesy Invaders. I prefer this version.
Another leaderboard game, perhaps?

Ohh, they look exactly how 90s shareware has to look 😀
We should have a shareware month where we just try a bunch of smaller shareware titles like these.
That would be neat!
I’d love to get in touch with the guy that made these and see if the registered version actually exists. Probably doesn’t, but you never know!
Shareware month! Shareware month!
I’d love to do that. There are loads of small, classic shareware games out there to choose from 😀
I have a very distinctive memory of finding Mortal Pong on one of those old shareware CDs that contained like 10000 games and the subsequent hours lost to playing it on my friend Chris’ dad’s old Gateway 2000. It was 2 player!
thanks for posting this, I played Cheesy Invaders as a kid but I hadn’t seen it for 30 years!
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