This just came into my head during the anniversary podcast – having played Command and Conquer and Heroes, this is another titan of the strategy genre!
I was thinking of recommending the same, but perhaps Colonization might be worth a try as well, they’ve only remade it once whereas we have like 10 Civilizations 😀
I’d love to play the original! So far I’ve only played Civ 2 onwards.
IMO Colonization’s gameplay is different enough to deserve being played separately. Though it does have some rather conspicuous omissions :/
Got to be done. Not many games are still going after 20 years.
Count me in! I’ve played Civ I more than all the others in the series combined and love coming back to it every couple of months to lead the Zulus to world domination 😉
Civ 1 is an absolute classic! I still go back to that game per than any other Civ.

We just picked MoO2 for November, we’ll have to wait a while for another turn based 4X games, but once we revisit that genre, Civ would be a cool pick!
I would love to join the podcast if Cub gets picked up! Hopefully soon.

I guess it’s been long enough since we played a proper turn based strategy game (not counting X-COM).
Maybe this year is finally the year we play Civ?
Plenty of epic games then this year, with worms, (nomad), descent, system shock, should we schedule civ for vacation time?
I would love to do this one. It’s such a classic, way ahead of its time and really genre inventing. Yet I’ve never played it. Doing it here would be a great excuse for me to finally give it a shot.
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