dat music

Might be the best soundtrack we’ve ever had, this game

The soundtrack is indeed excellent. Demoscene goodness!
If you forgive me some shameless self-promotion, I like the soundtrack so much I’ve made my own version of the main theme: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR04129

I don’t think I’ve played OMF for over 15 years, but I could hum along to every tune as soon as it came up.
Indeed, excellent!
In dosbox: as with many of epic’s games from the era, enable gravis ultrasound for the best quality.
Loved it as a kid and it still holds up today. I also love the foley of the wall spears that slide in an out of the “Danger Room” arena.
If you’re a metalhead there’s an amazing cover by Viking Guitar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mZcoANGlKk
It’s the version I imagine they would have made if WAV music was viable on floppy disks back then.
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