Difficulty Challenge
Is anyone finding the difficulty rather hard? Like even in the first level? I’m really having to rework my strategy, but into what I don’t know. Those monks just keep blowing me away with their guns.
Suggestions more than welcome!
Strafe, jump, run away. I don’t know if that’s particularly helpful, but you’re not wrong about the difficulty.
Early on, the flare gun is your friend. Monks and zombies only need one shot, and the flares have a fairly long range. They do take time to burn though so you might need a corner to lurk around for full effect.
Dynamite is wonderful on groups. Don’t forget alt-fire so you can bounce it around corners.

This game is notoriously hard. But also there’s a bug which causes the monsters to do more and more damages as you save & load. The bug is present on all difficulty levels except for the default one. So I guess playing on the default difficulty is the only option, unless you don’t want to use saving & loading at all.
That’s one nasty bug. Not sure that is my issue or I’m just completely out of touch with not having a “shield” for these games anymore. Will keep at it!

I can’t even imagine playing this without save/load. I only just finished level two but bullets are so precious that every time I need to throw a stick of dynamite I scum save/load 😀
This game is relentless! I have almost finished all 6 episodes and just barely feel like I am getting a hold of the game play. Cheap deaths are what is on the menu for the entire game. I never feel “comfortable” like I do in Doom or Duke. I am always on cheap corner away from death, no matter my health.
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