This just happened to me, a few minutes after clearing up a chemical spill (see attached) ; _ ;
Do people prefer to play with disasters on, or off? What horror stories do you have?
Dispatching police didn’t seem to do much…

2153 😮 You’ve been playing for quite a while!
I haven’t encountered any disasters yet. But I haven’t played for as long as you have.
Until they chased the monster across the river.
Yeah, I suppose I have! I started in 1900 but have been changing the game speed too (mostly when I’ve spent all my money by the end of Feb ^^).

A flood has struck Tijn City D:
What do I do?!

Oh nevermind, it was actually quite easy to deal with 😀 I put 2 firefighters and 2 police between the flood and the city and they were able to keep the flood at a distance 🙂

Ok, I just learned how to fight fires… the hard way ;_;
Oh no!! This is the worst I’ve ever seen. Wow, two separate districts completely destroyed… Ouch! 🙁
I was building this city very sustainably, even calculating maximum expenditure to be able to replace the power plant… suddenly, earthquake and fires everywhere.
It is as if the city is made out of matches…
I think I will refrain to playing with disasters disabled from now on.
The fire burnt the whole city, but a park… yet only 89 dead.

Wow, that’s an even more terrible fire than occurred in mine D:
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