For those that don’t know DGC started within the #ludumdare community, formerly the official IRC channel of the famous game development event. Gamedev is a popular topic to this day in our IRC. Often, the subjects overlap and people talk about developing DOS games. The subject also comes up on the forums.
Reflecting on this, and wanting to collaborate on something akin, I am resurrecting an old idea which we tried in #ludumdare in 2018, the game dev codepong.
The idea is to chaotically develop a game, with a “code pong” or “stone soup” strategy where each person takes a turn adding to it.
I think that we can use this forum thread to “pass the baton”, that is you can make a post saying you want to be the next turn making changes.
I’ve started the project, which is in C compiled with DJGPP and using conio.h-style features for IO, in a gitlab repository. It features a barebones infinite square dungeon with a few rats running around.

I consider this the “0-th” turn so I am anxious for anyone to take the next turn.
One does not need to be a master in C or git to contribute though, since we can help each other out.