Dune (CD)

Home Forums Game Suggestions Dune (CD)

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  • firefyte

    The old adventure-ish game from 1992:

    Never played it, but got an itch watching someone else play it.



    Such a good game. I will take any excuse to play this one again…


    Really good game, and one of my favorites for DOS.

    In retrospect I’m still surprised on how well it makes use of the resources. The Adlib soundtrack keeps surprising me on how good and crisp it sounds, but also there are a lot of little demoscene-esque details, like the palette rotations, distortions and zoom effects.

    I prefer the floppy version, probably because of nostalgic reasons, but also I didn’t like the transition animations and pretty much prefer the simpler fly-by animation with the day-night cycle 🙂


    In Cryo’s tradition, this game had beautiful VGA graphics. Those smooth palette transitions were incredibly mesmerizing back then and generally the game looks amazing for 1992.

    Beautiful music too, Spice Opera is one of the great videogame soundtracks.

    The gameplay is decent, especially for Cryo. The straightforward management of resources works well enough, but it’s really the package as a whole that makes this game memorable.


    I remember looking in awe at the Mega CD walkthrough the local official SEGA magazine had of it, probably what turned me into Dune years before watching the Lynch movie and reading the book. And along the way, finding the budget CD release (I’ve been playing a floppy version, the lip-synching they did was a technological achievement in itself), a unopened Mega CD (which I opened thinking it had the music on Redbook audio, which is one of the best I’ve heard) and the DOS box with the pop-up worm.

    It’s one of those games that only Cryo would have the guts to make that way. Not a straightforward adventure game, not a strategy heavy game, but one that does balance both aspects pretty neatly.


    Fantastic game, very typical french DOS game design. It more or less follows the 1984 David Lynch movie, being a mixture of strategy and adventure.

    The soundtrack…is the most amazing use of FM synthesis ever on a DOS game. It is athmospheric, ethnic, to the point of seeming to play the DNA of Dune and whoever lives there.

    I have an Adlib Gold clone (Goldlib) with the surround module, and this was the card where the soundtrack was most optimized for. It is just amazing!!

    The CD version includes complete voice dialog, and pre rendered sequences when travelling. The voice acting is actually decent!


    Ah, i have to add this… Duncan Idaho weirdly looks like Kim Jong Un…

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Home Forums Game Suggestions Dune (CD)