Final Thoughts

Home Forums Current Game: Ultima Underworld Final Thoughts

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  • Pix

    I’ve played through UW1 & 2 over the last couple of weeks. They remain among my favourite DOS games still, the 15 year gap since the last time has done nothing to put me off. You clearly had to play them at the time to really appreciate them but they pushed gameplay forward as well as just having the fancy 3D engine and still hold up for me. If you compare these to Eye Of The Beholder which was the nearest competition at the time, they just aren’t in the same ballpark. The dialog and simulation aspects add so much to the formula. Blobbers would still carry on appearing for years after as well – Dungeon Master didn’t even get a PC release until a year or two after UW1.

    The first game is more cohesive with quite an oppressive atmosphere to fit the dungeon theme. It’s probably my favourite of the two but the second improves many aspects with the more varied worlds, better graphics, bigger view window, closer Ultima story ties and more fleshed out characters. I don’t like the music as much which is important when you spend so much time listening to it, and while the worlds add variety, they are a little random. It’s possibly a little too big and sprawling.

    What does strike me with these games is how easy it is to get them in an unwinnable state and how subtle and easy to miss some of the clues you’ll need to beat it are, especially in the first one. Beating it on your first attempt with no outside help would be very tricky I suspect. The extra couple of months we’re getting is probably a good thing if any new players and going to get to the end.

    Since we have 3 months, I’ll have a bit of a break then I’m going to try my hand at the PlayStation port now it’s got an English translation.


    Woah it’s just past half December and you’ve finished both games? Nice job!

    I’m a first-time player and How Long To Beat says I should be done in 20 hours, but it feels more like 30 to me. I keep a personal (analog) journal, as it’s clear to me that without scribbling down all notes the game is indeed unwinnable.
    There are so many useless items/skills in this game! And so many items that are needed like 6 levels down and if you throw them in the water you’ll never be able to finish it 🤣

    My nearly-final thoughts: it’s amazing that this game came out a month before Wolf3D. Not just because of the engine. I wish I discovered this sooner. It’s an amazing experience and yes there’s a lot of jank or bullshit stuff (platforming? endless dead ends in lvl7? etc) but that doesn’t overshadow the greatness of it in my view.


    If you know what you are doing it’s nothing like 20 hours. I remembered most of it and finished in maybe 5-6, not skipping anything. I’m sure I’ve seen speedrunners polish it off in about 15 minutes.

    You have the right idea scribbling down notes I think. It’s the possibility of discarding an item which proves to be vital later on that gets me. That stew recipe for one – you can’t mix your stew without it even if you have the right ingredients! It’s very true to Ultima in this sense and the same thing is in most of the games. There are some real leaps of intuition required at times as well – e.g. how you get the cup of wonder. That does make it all the more rewarding when you figure them out though.

    The platforming I don’t mind too much. You can use Shift-J for a standing jump which helps a ton – hopefully you’ve found that already.


    Yeah the standing jump helps. Sometimes 😅

    I did a playthrough report on Mastodon and gathered my thoughts here in case anyone is interested;

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Home Forums Current Game: Ultima Underworld Final Thoughts