Forum Mobile Support
Hard to read these forums on Firefox mobile. Any chance the avatar could be floated and input box widths tweaked?

I think we’re switching to an entirely new forum software for the new site (ETA somewhere in the second half of the year).
Do you think you can still live with the current one until then?
Guess it didn’t happen in 2021 :(. I shall wait patiently … or resort to some client-side workarounds.
If you need some help I have done a lot of web dev for my day jobs. I’d also recommend Simple Machines if you need a reasonably scalable forum–and don’t mind PHP. Discourse is also nice though looks a bit heavy and maybe sometimes too game-ified.

It’s just a matter of time, I’m afraid. Big plans, little time. We may look into some forum CSS fixes for now. I actually forgot about this issue to be honest.
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