Firstly, wow this web css blows my mind and is a massive hit to nostalgia all by itself, nice work guys.
Having had a father work in Electrical Engieering and then IT I’ve had access to all kinds of vintage hardware since the late 80’s, using XT’s, 286’s, 386’s & 486’s to build and rebuild DOS and Win98 over and over to play all the old games.
I’m a huge fan of Apogee published games and really admire the ID produced games, I’ve played some of a lot of games. (Have you read Masters of Doom yet?!)
Now a bit of a vintage hardware collector, having 486 laptops, 3dFX Dos Gaming tower and a number of old laptops running Dosbox to enable a more portable experience I’m enjoying the old titles again.
Really enjoying the Podcast and hope to be a part of this amazing community into the future.
I’m an IRC fanatic so you can catch me on the #dosgameclub channel 24/7, just the timezone may not align all the time..
and.. 5 points to anyone who knows what my Avatar is!