Greetings from Maryland!

Home Forums User Introductions Greetings from Maryland!

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Tijn.
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  • McTreble

    Hi gang!

    I have fond memories of my DOS days, mostly on my brother’s nicotine-stained 386 and an old C64 (which I guess ran DOS?) for HOURS daily while I was suspended from school.

    Wasteland and Infocom games were my thing, even though I banged my head against any Sierra game I could…

    …until I discovered the joy of LucasArts!


    Hi, McTreble!

    You sure are cool!


    Hey, you are cool indeed! Didn’t see this thread earlier, but welcome aboard 🙂

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Home Forums User Introductions Greetings from Maryland!