Greetings from Portugal!!

Home Forums User Introductions Greetings from Portugal!!

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  • CarlosTex

    Hi there, fellow DOS gamers!

    I just realized i’ve been a user here for 4 years and listener since the beggining and i’ve never introduced myself. Tsk, tsk, shame on me…

    My name is Carlos Teixeira, i’m currently 42yo (i’m soooo young, i yell that to my mirror every morning) born and raised in Portugal.

    Having passed a good deal of my childhood playing with a Timex 2048 (Portuguese made ZX Spectrum clone, popular in Portugal and Poland) my jaw dropped when i first played Grand Prix Circuit on a 286 with CGA. That was my friends computer but i was hooked. Several months later he had a 386 with VGA and jaw dropped again. I never had seen something so cool.

    Fast forward a couple of years and now i’m rocking an awesome 386DX-40 with 4MB of RAM and quite a few cool games installed. And thus the love of DOS games never stopped, but was paused for a few years.

    With the release of DOSBox my appetite for DOS games resumed again, but the DOSBox experience somehow was feeling quite not the same as i remembered having before. My 386 was long gone, that machine had gone through several upgrades and the original hardware lost in time.

    I managed to grab a few old machines from my guitar teacher and man…since then i never stopped! Some might think i’ve gone totally crazy. I now have a few pieces of hardware that are rare and collectible and believe it or not i use them all! I embarked on projects that made me happy and insane at the same time (like patching Tandy 1000 games, so you can have 3 voice sound on a non Tandy 1000 PC).

    It’s simply lovely to enjoy games with different hardware. Did i mention the warm fuzzy glow of a CRT monitor? Kids…don’t play DOS games on an LCD screen that’s heresy!!!

    Anyway it’s great being part of a beautiful DOS community who is equally nostalgic about DOS gaming as i am. DOS ain’t dead folks!


    Hey there Carlos, great to have you here!
    I like your post. Always fun to hear other people’s stories and histories with DOS machines.
    Collecting hardware is a bit addictive isn’t it?


    It can be. I calmed down eventually, and only kept to the things i thought were unique and worth to keep.

    But yeah it’s so nostalgic to enjoy the stuff with the old hardware, the magic kind of fades a little without it.

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Home Forums User Introductions Greetings from Portugal!!