GTA's Unexpected Evolution
I remember playing this game in the late 1990s, and having a lot of fun with it. It was like playing with Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars, only taken to an extreme with police chases and car jacking.
But then I remember in 2001 or 2002 when Grand Theft Auto III came out, and everything associated with GTA changed. I’ve never been too much of a fun of the games since, not for any moral reasons. I just don’t much enjoy the 3rd person Rockstar game engine. It’s always felt clunky and awkward.
However this game is like visiting an old friend. I’m not sure I’ll take enough time to beat it, but it sure is fun.
I know what you mean and I felt the same way about the PS2-era games – they felt pretty awkward to me. I enjoyed GTA4 and 5, but in different ways from the original top-down games – I suppose in a world where open sandboxes are commonplace, they stand out less than they used to. In the late 90s, being dumped in a city and left to cause havoc was a real novelty 🙂
This will sound a bit “my uncle works at Nintendo”-ish, but an old school friend works with Rockstar now and has a credit in Grand Theft Auto 5, he’s one of the people who wrote the tools for graphics/texture artists and modellers to import their stuff into the game world. We’re very proud of him 🙂
I saw the first GTA played at a friend’s house, and was immediately hooked. A few month later, GTA 2 came out and I got my hands on that. GTA2 is certainly the game I spent the most time with, but after it, I went back to play the first part and had some fun with that one, too. When GTA3 came out, I did pay it, but never really warmed up to it. I mainly used to cheat and cause general mayham. That changed with Vice City, though. I really did enjoy that one almost equally to GTA2 (though I, too, prefer the 2D graphics). I also played quite a bit of San Andreas. GTA 4 however, I positively hated. The car physics in that one drove me insane (even though I hear people like them). GTA 5 I played when it was rereleased for the PS4 and liked it quite a bit, too. So my favorite GTA games are: GTA2, Vice City and GTA5 in that order (they also are the only ones I ever finished ^^)

I still have to finish any GTA game at all 😀
Didn’t get to play all the levels of GTA1 for DGC last month, but I’ll keep it on my DOS PC so I can go back again when I’ve got a bit more time 🙂
i think differently, the game is getting better and better though there are some bad things coming around like i feel the gta v is not as good as gta iv. but still thing is getting better, and that’s why rockstar earning billion with the series
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