Hello folks!
I’m Matt and I’m from Poland. I’m a video game developer with 14 years of exp, mostly AA and AAA games. I’m so glad I found your podcast! I’ve started playing DOS games around 1994 and I’m still coming back to old classics quite often. Okay, I’m going back to my podcast player and keep listening to previous episodes!

Hi Matt! Welcome to the club. Always cool to have new people around, especially veterans 😀
Hi Matt!
Looking forward to seeing you around the forums. It’ll be great to hear some views from an industry dev! (I don’t think we have anyone else like that around here??)
What games have you worked on?

We do have a couple proper Indies here, but nobody from a big studio as far as I’m aware.
I’ll keep it private on what I was working on. There was nothing special to be honest 😀 I can share that I’m designing stuff 😉
Welcome. What kind of DOS games are your favourites?
I had a lot of games from my uncle’s box (very common in Poland before copyright laws came in after soviet times were over – having a copy was legal till ~1994) and back then I’ve played almost everything. Hard to point certain kind but I have fond memories playing Dungeon Master, Dyna Blaster, Another World, Wings of Fury, Pinball Fantasies, Syndicate+SW, UFO, DoTT, Beneath the Steel Sky, Little Big Adventure, Transport Tycoon, Crusader: NR, HoMM… Great times!
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