Hello from Brazil!

Home Forums User Introductions Hello from Brazil!

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  • JorgeYYZ

    Hi everyone! My name is Jorge. I’m a History teacher and (retro) gamer from Brazil. English is not my first language, so I am sorry in advance for any and all mistakes.

    My first experience with computers is a bit cloudy. I remember playing around on a couple of systems, but can’t really tell which one was the actual first. I remember playing Moon Patrol on my neighbors’ TK-2000, playing a lot of games on my cousins’MSX, and playing Prince of Persia on my uncle’s 286. Back in those days, I had a Sega Master System, which was quite popular in Brazil in the early 90s.

    I eventually got my own computer some time after that. It was a 486 DX2 66MHz with 8 megs of RAM and, crucially, a “multimedia kit”. It ran DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1. That’s when I really started digging deep into gaming, and where I first surfed the web via BBS. My favorite games of that period are Doom, Stunts, and Transport Tycoon. I soon discovered Dark Forces, Full Throttle, (local and international) PC gaming magazines that came with demo CDs, and well, the rest is history. Here I am some 30 years later enjoying PC games and taking care of a couple of old machines.

    I discovered the DOS Game Club browsing Spotify and have been listening to it for quite a while now. I finally decided to come to the forums and participate more actively in the community. I’m looking forward to reading stories and thoughts on all things related to MS-DOS gaming and I hope I can contribute with some of my own ideas too.


    Welcome! Are you a fellow Rush fan!?!


    Thank you! Yes, of course! Geddy is the one that made me pick up a bass some 25 years ago. I’ve played in a few Rush cover bands around town when I was younger, and still play by myself today. I remember buying Rush’s Chronicles compilation and listening to it on my CD-ROM drive (which had that little Play button and a headset out) while playing Stunts. The band has been the soundtrack to so many moments in my life, both happy and sad.


    Hell yeah! I’m relatively new to rush (picked them up during the pandemic in 2020) but I first picked up a bass about the same time as you 😃. I have my Fender Jazz bass sitting next to my retro computers.

    Have you checked out Geddy’s recent book on the history of the bass? Great read.


    Hello, welcome!
    Nice to meet a fellow Brazilian around here.


    So cool… a history teacher! Welcome dude.

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Home Forums User Introductions Hello from Brazil!