Hello from England!
Hello everyone, first of all I am glad to have stumbled across this community. I absolutely love the “less immediate” style of a forum over anything else, it just fits the retro aesthetic perfectly!
I’m haytada, real name Adam, I am a 30 something “gamer in my spare time” from the north (proper north) of England!
I stumbled upon the podcast when I had a long drive ahead of me and wanted to listen to something about Simon the Sorcerer and I love that you had a podcast on it! I enjoy the easy to follow, genuine and natural discussion format of the podcasts. I have listened to a handful of episodes now during my commutes and I am thoroughly enjoying going through the ones of games that pique my interest or hit me with a big wave of nostalgia. I have to say I very much enjoy listening to Florian’s (spelling?) dry humour and bluntness, always gets a chuckle.
Anyway, glad to be here.
Hi haytada!
Forums are great aren’t they? I personally can’t get used to this social media business. Forums all the way for me.
I agree with you on the podcast format too. As a rule I usually like my podcasts highly produced and scripted, but round table actually works really well in this case.
(But there is more planning involved than just getting everyone together and asking “so what did you think of the game?” 😉 )
Anyway, nice to meet you and I hope to see you around!
I feel you, something scripted is definitely easier for me to follow yet this round table format just fits for discussing games. Saying that, I can definitely hear the planning, there is structure and notes and I love it!
Getting people together and simply asking “what did you think of the game?” just never goes well from personal experience, it ends up on a tangent every other sentence and the next thing you know you’re talking about what you want to eat for dinner!
Thanks for the warm welcome and I am enjoying my time in this very nostalgia inducing community 🙂

“I have to say I very much enjoy listening to Florian’s (spelling?) dry humour and bluntness, always gets a chuckle.”
Awwww *blushes*.
Welcome aboard! Also, the spelling is spot-on!
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