Hey there!
Hi Everyone, I’m Zerfall, I’ve been hanging out in the youtube and twitch retro gaming circles for quite some time and after a change in how things are at work I have a lot more free ear time and was chewing though my podcast list by Tuesday. When I googled “good retro gaming podcasts” I came across DOS Game Club and after listening to three episodes back to back thought “I gotta get in on this” so here I am, I’m currently putting together a Pentium I PC that’s about 90% of the way there and does most of what I need it to at this point. I do really regret getting rid of my Voodoo card a decade or so ago but you don’t realize what you’ve got til it’s gone sometimes. Looking forward to checking out new games each month with you all.

Hey that’s great! Welcome 🙂
Hey, welcome!
So right about the “don’t know what you got” thing. I’ve definitely gotten rid of old computer things years ago that I’m kicking myself for now!
I’m glad you’ve found the podcast and hope to see (and hear) you around!
ahh the old nostalgia for the VooDoo Cards.
I sold all mine off back in 2019, they were more trouble than they were worth, drivers were always such a pain!
I’m a 3dFX fanatic, but being able to emulate it today is much nicer and more reliable 🙂
You’ll need to post pics of your PI in action!
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