Hi from Netherlands!
Hi all, I’ve been into computers since 1984. Starting with a Sharp MZ700, onto 8086 and onwards. Never owned a game console, always played on pc. Nowadays playing DOS games in Dosbox, on Windows or on my Steam Deck. Loved rediscovering Wolfendtein, Doom, Command & Conquer.
Recently discovered multiplaying wrapping IPX into IP, haven’t tested it out yet.
My kids are little Fortnite addicts 🙂
Hi Rob. Welcome to the forums and Merry Christmas!
I recently completed a DOOM2 playthrough myself.
Welcome Rob!
Great history of PC’s there, would love to hear some of the stories of old.
And yes, many of us have little Fortnite addicts, but we’ve been able to include them in a few DOS games over the months, just to broaden their gaming horizon (and sometimes they even enjoy it!). (I even had my 13 year old playing Point and Click adventure games!)

Hah, you should talk to Tijn about your MZ700. That’s how he got started, too. Funny how many Dutch seemingly had one, yet, just across your eastern border, we never heard of it.
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