Hi / Hallo from NL

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  • Dantji

    Dantji (1983) here, I recently found your podcasts and the took me back to mchilhood memories 🙂

    I started PC gaming around 1990-91 on a 368sx Tulip workstation my grandfather had from work.

    Games like Alley Cat, Keen, Zeliard, Kings Quest, Prince of Persia. Trading (what is pirating as a kid) games with classmates on 3’5 disks and buy shareware disks in the bookstore.

    I then managed to save birthday money to buy a Pentium 75 at Aldi and got into shooters and sierra adventure games. Alongside using the computer for school.

    Got into ‘pc building’, though it was more like upgrading memory, storage and gfxcards and visiting events at the local computerclub & national events like HCC dagen as well as having computer lan parties at a friends house. Mostly playing Bomberman, Duke3D. I think we started out with IPX connections to play Command & Conquer and Warcraft II.

    After i bought my pentium 4 it was more Windows based gaming than dos gaming. Also have crazy memories of Twilight & Crazy Bytes CD’s which we bought from a guy at our local computer store.

    Crazy times…
    Thanks for the podcas fun and I’ll be reading/posting on the forum.


    Hey man,

    I’m new here myself but wanted to say that’s awesome. I never knew Aldi sold computers at some point! That’s wild!

    I did a bunch of gaming as well on all those old versions of Windows! There was so many amazing games back then. It’s so wild to see how many of the same games captivated all of us back when we were younger, and how much staying power those old games have with all of us.

    Perhaps it’s just a generational thing, but I don’t think there are many games that come out today, that we will be talking about 30 years from now. I’m guessing that’s just a generational thing, but I think the games we grew up with, were so much more creative than most of what we see today


    Indeed! We had so many sick games!
    I was browsing the forum and gound so many games I played in the days! Aldi sold a lot of computer later under the Medion brand. I also bought a P4 if I remember correctly… which had a tv tuner pci card as well.
    Good price/quality for enthousiasts.

    Edit; I just recalled that i still have my latest pentium 4 HT living in the attic.

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