How far did you get within the month?
Myself, I played through the Wolf clan campaign of the main game, then through the Ghost Bear’s Legacy expansion (tough!) and started with Mercenaries… but I can’t claim I’m very far into the latter. Phew, that game is massive!
Unfortunately, even though I love this game and wanted to sit down and finally beat it, had no chance to do so during this past month. I need to get my joystick hooked up and start blasting some mechs I think!
I’ve had a very busy month, so not far at all. I got through the training mission and about 4 or 5 missions of Jade Falcon

I only got 6 missions into the Wolf clan. I was expecting to like it a lot more but I can’t say the game really grabbed me. Maybe if it had some Wing Commander style FMV to link the missions rather than the written text it would have drawn me in more. It’s possible I just didn’t spend enough time with it but I felt much the same when I played it years back.
I played all 2 campaigns (30 missions total) and then actually the Ghost Bear’s Legacy campaign (17 missions) over a span of 3 days. If you deck out your mech with LRM20s and a couple of lasers you can basically one-shot a lot of mechs from distance. 🙂 But it still a hard game and you die easily.
While I had played it extensively in the past, including a playthrough of MW2 and GBL at the end of last year, I wasn’t able to dedicate a lot of time to it last month.
One thing I did try out was the original Mechwarrior 2: The Clans demo, because while I had seen it in action before I had never had access to a copy until now. And I also played some Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries, because the Inner Sphere needed a hero too.
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