How’s everyone going?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by Pix.
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  • Martli

    I take it by the lack of comments on this game so far that everyone is donkey deep (or camel deep for better movement in the desert) in optimising their trade routes, plotting their coup de’état, or maybe struggling with piracy and the Black Death… (or maybe you northerners are just enjoying your summer!)

    As for me, I got a head start on this in late June when I finished MDK but I’ve had a bit on and haven’t managed to put much more attention into it.

    And boy does this game require attention! Lots to wrap your head around. Trade optimisation, wealth building, map exploration. Typical 4x stuff. I’d say it’s fun and addictive (turn based strategy does that to me, I lost a lot of my 20s to civilisation IV) and has nice presentation. I like it, I just don’t have the time to get deep into it.

    For those struggling to get started, page 4 of the manual has a guide for setting up your own tutorial:


    I played it back in the day, but without the manual. So I gave it a go in the same conditions, and almost everything “came back to me”, but I have hit a wall (although I think I’m better now than then; suck it old me!).

    I have the manual now, but it is 102 pages, so I’m undecided. I think I’ll bite the bullet and give it a read and play another couple of evenings before the end of the month.


    I played it for the first time tonight and while I thought it would be quite daunting, I actually found it remarkably easy to get into!

    I’ll definitely start a new game to apply the lessons learned, but I love how you can automate trade routes. Very neat combination of exploration and system building.


    I had my first go last night too. This isn’t my sort of game at all but I was having fun with it by the end despite that. I wanted to keep it casual so I dialled the difficulty down as much as I could and was well ahead of my opponents after 25 years or so. Chances are I’ll just see that one game through the 100 years this month. I own a cricket teams worth of cardinals now so just need the pope to die off before I get to boss the Catholics around presumably. The snag is my cardinals keep dying off on me as well.

    I’m still figuring out the game mechanics. I did skim the manual but need to go back to it now I know more about how everything works.

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