Keyboard Shortcuts: F3-F10 Chooses Type

Home Forums Previous Months 87 – December 2023: Lemmings Keyboard Shortcuts: F3-F10 Chooses Type

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by dr_st.
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  • watchful

    F3 – climber
    F4 – umbrella / float down
    F5 – bomb / exploder
    F6 – blocker
    F7 – builder / bridge
    F8 – dig horizontal
    F9 – dig diagonal
    F10 – dig vertically
    F11 – pause, also PAUSE key
    F12 – nuke / explode all

    F1 – decrease rate of release
    F2 – increase rate of release

    Can’t believe I suffered through 50 levels before reading the manual to find the keyboard shortcuts! The menu is so awkward on DOS, so I was so proud I figured it out that I forgot to check how to change the type of lemming from the keyboard.

    In later levels it feels _very_ necessary to use the keyboard to do changes quickly. Also a little annoying that they basically require you to exploit what feels like quirks to get a lemming to change directions. And there are fewer valid solutions as it gets harder, which takes away from some of the charm. Still, a blast to play and addicting.


    Another useful control tip: If you hold down the right mouse button while picking a lemming, only walkers will be chosen. This allows you to assign a skill in a tight space without cancelling the work another lemming is already doing. This can be extremely useful on later levels.


    You know, I had known about the shortcut keys since the start (can’t imagine without them), but the tip about the right-click I only learned now when you said it. Yes, this could have been a game changer for me back in the day.

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Home Forums Previous Months 87 – December 2023: Lemmings Keyboard Shortcuts: F3-F10 Chooses Type