Little CSS suggestion

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  • wan

    Great job with the web design, it really brings us back to the DOS era! 😀

    A funny side effect of the theme is that the background dots trigger an unpleasant… moiré effect(?) when scrolling the page. It could be fixed by setting “background-attachment: fixed” on the body tag.

    While I’m here, it’s even more minor but a text selection cursor appears when hovering the menu (NB. yes I’m using a computer mouse to navigate this website!). The existing “.menu-title { cursor: default; }” rule could be fixed by making it more specific, like “”.


    Right! I’ll look into it tonight!

    Thanks for telling me!


    This is a very good suggestion.

    rnlf, if you’re working on the CSS, would you mind adding this line as well to the body section?

    “-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;”

    This makes the font less blurry on Webkit browsers on the Mac 🙂

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