Lords of the Realm I
Hi everyone, I’ve recently found this club and I instantly loved it.
I would like to make a game suggestion for the future. The game is Lords of the Realm I published and developed by Impressions Games (the same ones that developed Caesar).
The game is a turn based strategy game set in the Middle Age. You have to compete with the CPU or some friends to become the King of England.
You have to take care of several of your county needs. Such as farming, developing materials, castle building, army and taxes.
If someone played this game, I’m keen to talk in the forums and chat.
Welcome void! 🙂
LotR looks quite fascinating. I particularly like the look of this screen – reminds me a little of Colonization. I like how older games allowed tweaking of all sorts of things and this looks similar.
Would it support multiplayer over a network? 😮
The reviews on GOG are very good too. I’m definitely keen to play this 😀
Hi Toasty,
I think it could be played over a network (using a Modem). I don’t know if it’s possible to “make the game think” it’s over a modem when it’s actually through the internet.
I have never been able to play it online. It would be great since it’s a huge game!.
I leave you a Review from ADG. He didn’t play the game very well but it’s a good review tought.

I think DOSBox has modem emulation. At the very least it has a serial port emulation that can then be used to hook up other programs to from the outside. So it should be possible to have multiplayer sessions 🙂
I’m in to try a multiplayer session of Lords of the Realms.

Ooooh, I love this game so much!
It’s a great game. I even like it more than LOTR2. Whoever wants to play it online (if it’s possible) I would join.
If it’s ever a Month Game. I would be happy to participate in the podcast that month 🙂
I haven’t played the first, but loved lotr2. I think I completed all scenarios as well as the campaign, I really dig the mix of turn based strategy with RTS fighting!
Since I’ve never tried the first one, that might be even more fun to try – count me in!
Hi, I love this game. If someone wants to try the online multiplayer using DOSBox, contact me.
My Twitter account is @void. Just DM me and we can arrange.

It’s been a while since we’ve done a grand strategy game. I think this game would be an awesome pick for the near future.

found my original copy of LOTR2. Would also like to suggest that in addition to the first one!
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