Merit's Galactic Reunion
I’m a bit late to this party, so I’m catching up on all of the podcasts. When listening to the Starflight episode I was reminded about another game I played as a kid but could never finish (even with cheats) because it was so damn hard. But all these years later I’ve never forgotten about the intruiging setting, story and sense of discovery it gave me. I’m talking about Merit’s Galactic Reunion.
The story is basically that you have left an earth in turmoil on a colonization ship with the newly discovered warp drive. Your goal is to colonize a new home and make your way back to earth. I remember I found this game fun at the time because it was mainly a simulation but there was a lot of discovery and story elements, making it a bit more linear than the sim-franchise. Also, put anything in space and it automatically becomes 100% cooler.
This one may be a bit of a stinker and my nostalgia goggles may be obscuring that from me, but hey it’s obscure and it could be fun. (it’s even so obscure that it’s only available through
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