Time to break out ScummVM or whatever else you have to play the game (I’ll probably be playing on my Enhanced CD version, which is somewhere).
You can’t die in this game (well, not 100% true), you should comfortably go and do whatever you need. You also shouldn’t get stuck.
Also, play Monkey Island in your native language (maybe?)!
Things to try and remember:
Using the keyboard for verbs, instead of clicking on them.
Pull and push are different verbs for different things, this is important at one point of the game.
Play the special edition, if you really feel like having a talkie version.
Play the official sequels, or the TellTale series.
Drink Grog.
Figure out what is grog.
Become a pirate
If you get stuck, feel free to ask me for a pointer forward.
Look behind you a three headed monkey!