Multiplayer Session(s)?

Home Forums Current Game: Heretic Multiplayer Session(s)?

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  • watchful

    Anyone down for some multiplayer sessions? I could make some time 9-11pm ET most nights. Maybe other times too, with enough notice and if we can find a time-frame that works best for a larger group.

    My preference would be for QZandronum and possibly some bots if there aren’t that many folks who can make it. I’m open to other source ports, yet afraid vanilla is impractical because of how IPX behaves over the Intertubes.

    I can run a dedicated server if there is interest.


    Welp, this turned out to be harder than I thought. I’ve got a server running Zandronum’s latest alpha, with voice-chat, under “DosGameClub (unofficial)”. Yet it doesn’t seem to play correctly.

    I’ll circle back later if there is interest.

    DoomSeeker can help one find some Heretic games regardless. It feels quite fast, and with the weapons mirroring Doom, quite familiar.


    I would love to get in on it, but the internet in my area is absolutely hopeless and laggy for online gaming. I know this from Quake month!

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Home Forums Current Game: Heretic Multiplayer Session(s)?