One of my favorite games ever!
It was one of the first PC games I played, back on a 486-SX Thinkpad laptop. This one uses level passwords instead of saved games, so I had a friend tell me some of the passwords for later levels, and I ended up playing many of them out of order. I did eventually complete every level, multiple times.
Later, having been introduced to emulation, I found that the SNES version has some advantages – colorful backgrounds – but the visible screen area is smaller. And the Genesis version has several unique levels not present anywhere else.
So I’ve replayed the game again in each of these, and probably more than once.

Awesome to hear! Maybe you’d like to join the podcast? It would be great to hear your thoughts on this game if you’re interested.
I just installed the game myself and played through the first couple of levels. It’s great! I’ve never played it before, but I’m really wondering now why. I would have been all over this back in the day! It plays really well, especially since a lot of DOS platformers are less than impressive in terms of gameplay and feel.
Thanks for the offer, but I’m afraid podcasts and the like are not really my thing… I will be here on the forums to talk about anything that has to do with the game, though!

Alright, no problem of course 🙂 Thanks for being here and helping out!
I’m really impressed by how the game introduces all the mechanics one by one. You don’t see such accessibility that much in DOS games of this era.
There’s no way to save mid-level, is there? How many levels are there anyway?
Well, maybe that’s because it’s not a DOS game originally. 😉
No, there is no way to save mid-level. The later levels become quite challenging because of that. Lose one Viking one step before the exit, and you have to start over.
There are 37 levels (43 in the Genesis version). It’s one of the longer games of that era, I think (especially considering that many levels are quite lengthy).
Yeah, console games of that era (particularly SNES) really knew how to teach you the gameplay. I think a lot of games even today could learn some lessons from the likes of Lost Vikings.
I agree it was one of my favorite games, I think it was the second or third game a bought when I upgraded to a VGA card. I spent hours playing a level trying to figure out the right combination of the three Vikings to use to beat the level.
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