OpenTTD is free on Steam:
It’s worth comparing OG/Vanilla TTD to this conversion. Adding own trains and buildings was my dream back then. Now you can download trains common in Germany, US, Poland…
BTW I was usually playing without AI competition. You could build rails around cities and AI couldn’t find a way to walk around it… Oppressing AI gets boring fast so it’s better to focus on fun of building and paying off debts.
Also free on gog:
I remember buying the original game on CD for 1 euro to get the resources for openttd, WAY BACK.
Since openttd is also free as in free speech, it’s available on the raspberrypi and most open ecosystem mobile devices too.
I’ve played quite a bit of OpenTTD. I spent a couple of evenings playing multiplayer. This was practically just playing together in a sandbox, not trying to compete or anything, just building stuff and chatting.
I have also definitely played on my own and with OpenTTD’s better tools for building tracks, signal posts and what not, tried to build rail systems that can handle multiple trains. In the original, I always build one track per train, I could never get it to work otherwise.

If I’ve never played Transport Tycoon Deluxe, should I just jump to OpenTTD?
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