Review from PC Format April 1992
Thought I’d sneak these in before Pix gets here 😉
Sorry they’re a bit wonky. My scanner is just a little bit too small for this magazine.

Your scans are serendipitous as it happens. I’ve only got reviews of the CD version one of which refers specifically to yours (and the 44/100) rating. I was very curious to see how they justified that score and didn’t think I’d get the chance to find out. I have some issues with the game but I don’t know what that reviewer was on about. They claim to be a fan but it’s like they have some sort of personal grudge about Star Trek.
Case in point, the CD review below where they give Dark Seed a higher score on the same page. No one who has tried to play Dark Seed without a walkthrough could possibly claim it was the better game. The dead-ends and timed events are a nightmare from what I can remember.
PC Zone were way more generous:-
Glad I could help! I appreciate your scans too, as always.
I was surprised by the low score in PCF too, especially because the description the review gives actually has me quite hyped, and so many other reviewers give it much better scores. I was getting the feeling the reviewer chose the score out of some opaque “principle” or something rather than the quality of the game itself.
But I’ll reserve my judgement until I’ve actually played it. I’m not a massive trekkie, so I’ll be curious to see how well it works for me!

Thanks for the scans, lads. Really interesting to read these now!
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