
Without a doubt inspired by Stargate, this flight simulator set in ancient Egypt puts you in a cockpit of an advanced plane/hovercraft and lets you loose on squadrons of enemy mechs and planes.
What made the game quite interesting was various ‘maneuvers’ which you could execute by pressing a key. One that I remember was called Orion Corona which let you circle around an enemy without having to think about it. Quite useful for slow moving targets with heavy weapons.
The game has niceties like day/night changes, the environment is quite nice. Sort-of feels like descent but without the caves.
What genre would you describe this as? There were quite a few similar games on DOS and then the genre mostly died out. Terminal Velocity and Hellbender were quite similar, perhaps with not quite the view distance of Sandwarriors

Hmm Arcade shooters maybe? It’s possible they died off once all classic FPS shooters started adding vehicles into them. I remember it was quite a novelty when Battlefield came out but now all have some sort of simplified-physics vehicle fights.
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