Space Quest 2

After beating the first game the other day, I dove straight into the second game and wow, what an improvement!
The first game wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but the second game I found genuinely good and enjoyable. Possibly the best AGI game I’ve played!
I’m following Jim Plays Games playthrough on the series, and was really impressed by the EGA graphics on the second and third games, specially the use of perspective, the screens are all interesting to watch and explore.
BTW Jim can be an interesting shoutout. He is more an Amiga gamer, but he covers many DOS games, and he is also an indie game developer, currently working online on Twitch on his upcoming game.

Oh nice one!
Yeah the graphics are pretty great on these. I’m a sucker for good EGA art anyway and this is definitely up there.
Has anyone tried this fan remake of SQ2, a.k.a. the ‘deluxe’ / VGA version, by Infamous Adventures?
Despite some mixed quality graphics and audio it has a charm all its own and seems to add some touches from later games.
@watchful I’m about halfway through the fan remake of SQ2 you posted and absolutely loving it. It’s a great scene for scene remake and like you said adds some quality of life touches. If you’re familiar with SQ2, it might be interesting to see how the mouse solutions compare to the text parser solutions.
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