Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander

Home Forums Game Suggestions Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander

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  • SpaceGameJunkie

    Before I begin, a disclaimer: I am a playtester on the 2.0 version of this game and have received monetary compensation for my work in helping the developer bring it to Steam and GOG.

    Now, with that out of the way, I’d like to recommend 1989’s Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander, one of the greatest space games to ever space.

    When this originally came out in 1989, it was released prematurely (thanks EA) and was littered with bugs. It was patched, and had its last public release in 1991, but by then the damage was done. It was a flop.

    Fast forward to 2018, and the original developer got his 486 working again. He then decided to resume work on the game, which was released in 2023 as an updated, upgraded and improved version 2.0.

    Star Fleet II is a game of galactic conquest. As the evil Krellan Empire, you’re tasked with conquering several regions of space from the cowardly United Galactic Alliance. You do this through exploring planets, then conquering them, fighting and boarding enemy ships and trying to be smarter than the enemy.

    It’s an amazing game of starship combat and planetary conquest, and I’d love y’all to talk about it.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Ooohhh… that’s really cool. We definitely haven’t done any games that have been in development for 35 years! 😉

    I love the look of it as well. At a glance I thought it was all semi-graphical text mode, but on closer inspection it’s not, but it has a very text-mode look to it, which I’m a real sucker for.

    I’d probably find the depth a bit daunting, but I think it would still be a cool game to cover here.


    Yeah, the ASCII graphics allow for both flexibility of gameplay as well as more focus being put under the hood, like the cunning AI and such.

    It does look daunting at first, to be sure, but the game has tutorials and manuals, and I also made a YouTube tutorial series if you’re interested. If an idiot like me can grasp it, anyone can.


    This is a good game for everyone that loves space games. I actually wrote some code for Trevor Sorensen (game developer) for the 2.0 version SpaceGameJunkie mentioned. I wrote some asm code to avoid CTRL + C abruptly terminating the game back to DOS, by basically reprogramming the software interrupt to do nothing when the combination of keys is pressed. It was easy to press it by mistake, which was not a problem on DOSBox but a huge on on real hardware.

    I think i’m uncredited but, no one can take that away from me. Cool game!

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Home Forums Game Suggestions Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander