Suggested Control Schemes
Hey everyone, welcome to July and a new game to reminisce with.
I actually never played Jill of the Jungle growing up so it’s a first time experience for me.
I was wondering if anyone here has remapped the default controls that the game comes with? I am finding the controls doable yet awkward. I think you can remap keys in DosBox since I haven’t found a way to do so in the game itself.
First, I will try WASD for movement and space for jump. Then possibly Enter for item.
If anyone’s remapped the keys or better yet, found out a controller scheme, please share what works for you! I’m definitely interested.

I haven’t started for reals yet, just tried it a bit and found the controls terrible. I think I’ll play with my controller instead, I think that may make more sense.
I’m liking the controller so much better. In DOSBox you can press “Ctrl + F1” at any time while running the game and it brings up a key mapping tool that looks like a keyboard.
Click the right arrow key so it’s highlighted, click the “Add” button, then hold right on the controller thumbstick.
Repeat for the directions and assign buttons etc. Left shift is jump and left alt is item. I assigned jump to “A” and item to “X”. Make sure you click Save before Exit in the Keymapper!
Save and restore are a bit tricky. I added my Start button to “s” and Select to “r”. But you still need to press Enter when you save so I also added that to my “A” button. Now when I finish saving I also jump… Will have to think of another solution… I’m also very worried about saving when I mean to load and soft locking my only save in a death scene.

Jill also supports the Joystick out of the box (when asked at the stark of the game, press C to reconfigure). All I had to do in DOSBox was assign two different buttons for jump and fire because the default was terrible.

I dunno what’s up with you guys, but I think the controls are fine?
For what it’s worth, I played with a Saturn controller. It worked really well!
This if from the time where shift, ctrl and alt were the action buttons in action games… The norm for indie games currently is z, x, c … I wonder if this comes from Japanese homebrew games actually, at least that’s where I first personally encountered this scheme, in late-nineties Japanese PC games I got from Home of the Underdogs back in the day.
Anyhow, the shift and alt (and arrows) do feel ok to me, maybe because I’m used to them originally.
Arrows to move, Shift and Alt for jump and fire? Seems pretty standard to me. Most games would use Ctrl and Alt, but it’s a very minor difference.

I’m fine with the controls as well. This sort of control scheme for DOS games probably came about from programmers trying to avoid writing their own keyboard handler. You could apparently work around the BIOS limiting to one key at a time using shift, alt and ctrl.

For what it’s worth, I think zxc is way more confusing than using ctrl, shift and alt.
I think the problem is aiming the daggers, rather than the control scheme, for Shareware kids like myself my fingers always go to the keypad and CTRL/ALT
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