The Music

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by rnlf.
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  • kdrnic

    The tracks played in the game are all very enticing. Unfortunately they have a lot of noise, apparently added intentionally (maybe to mimic ambient noise?) which I don’t like as much…

    The music is credited to Paul Romero, Rob King and Frank Simes, and seems to have included recordings of classic guitar and a real harpsichord.

    Paul Romero (unknown relation to John) seems to have a lot of success as a musician, as shown in wikipedia. He seems to have written a Symphony with music from this game, which has already debuted live! Very interesting, although I couldn’t find a recording unfortunately.


    Oh, you mean that the tracks that play during map exploration have that ambient noise (kind of like sound effects superimposed on the music)?

    I understand what you mean; interestingly I never gave it a second thought. Probably because the first time I played through the first game was through an early CD-Rip that had no music at all, just ambient noises.

    FWIW, the music that plays in the towns/castles and during battles, does not have that ambience added.


    When I play, my CD drive is so loud that I wouldn’t be able to hear any of the noise anyway 😀

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