Three months

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  • Evil Taco

    Catching up? Or just acknowledging a big game? Something else? Either way sounds good to me!

    I’ve owned Ultima Underworld almost as long as I’ve had a Good Old Games account, but I think I’ve barely fired it up. It’s on my perpetual “to play” list. Gotta make time for this!


    I presume we’re taking three months ’cause it’s a lot to get into and get used to compared to other games done in less than 10 hours with much simpler mechanics?

    Like you said, either way, I’m down with this, as making time is difficult and I really want to play and actually finish it!

    Mr Creosote

    Not the first time a complex game will be covered. Sounds rather like the beginning of the end? I hope not.


    We’ve decided to take 3 months for Ultimate Underworld, mainly to catch up with the podcast.

    We’ve been behind before, but never by this much. Even though the end of the year is approaching, we’ve still got to produce a podcast for MDK, which is a game we had on back all the way in June.

    The fact Ultimata Underworld is a big game seemed like the perfect opportunity for us to get back on track with the podcast. So that’s what we’re doing!

    Meanwhile Pix is helping us schedule the upcoming podcasts with guests. Console has been helping us edit the episodes. With all this help, I’m confident we can manage to get back on schedule in the upcoming year, which would be great 🙂


    If all goes to plan, we should be seeing around 2 episodes a month while catching up. Rather than the beginning of the end, it will be more DGC than ever.

    I’d strongly recommend the sequel if people finish the first game quickly. It’s bigger and better if anything.

    For myself, I’m planning to include the Playstation port in those 3 months which was Japanese only but finally got a fan translation earlier this year. I’ve been meaning to try that out for ages. Possibly Arx Fatalis as well which is seen as a spiritual successor and I’ve never played it.

    If that’s still not enough for 3 months, there’s even the somewhat underwhelming Underworld Ascendant.


    Pix, Pix, he’s the man! If he can’t save us noone can! …or something! Thanks for stepping up 😀

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