Hi there!
New propossal for the club! Veil of Darkness: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veil_of_Darkness
It’s a cool horror point-n-click adventure with a unique interface and many RPG elements (it’s a bit like a hybrid between both game types, but quite nice, not too-RPGy).
Its story is a bit cliché and there are a few tedious moments (there’s an underground maze that I remember unnecessarily long), but overall I remember it as a great, entertaining game. Like in most RPGs, it has kind of an open world setting, so you can go anywhere you want and enter buildings and talk to whoever you like. The game progresses by solving puzzles, just like a point-and-click. Once an area is solved, new locations open up for exploration.
I think I’ve played it full twice, once when it came out in the 90s and some 20ish years later as an adult. It’s not a very difficult nor superlong game. And there is just this game in its lore, so you don’t need to complete 5 games and 3 books to enjoy all its story (although I remember there was a nice manual with a mini-novel (10-12 pages, I think) for introduction)
It seems to be in abandonware state, so it’s not in Steam nor Gog. It’s in archive.org, though: