Version differences

Home Forums Previous Months 14 – March 2018: Duke Nukem 3D Version differences

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  • evilteuton

    During the Transarctica podcast we briefly mentioned that the Amiga and DOS versions of the game are pretty much identical, which was not always the case with ports back then.

    So for Duke Nukem 3D it’s probably worth going into the differences between the versions. Good old Duke was ported all over the place and each port was a different experience. The N64 version had extra weapons and new weapon graphics, for example. Nintendo also had the strippers removed.

    Let’s collect some trivia about the ports in this thread.


    Removing the strippers was not the worst idea, to be honest.

    Interesting though, that Nintendo did it when in other games of the N64 era they were not so strict with their family-friendliness – Conker comes to mind…


    The Playstation version (Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown) has a very different, more metal/techno soundtrack. A few tunes are the same, a few are “remixed” versions of original tunes, and a lot are original. It was composed by Mark “TDK” Knight:


    I was just watching a new LGR video the other day and Duke Nukem popped up!

    Apparently there was a “mobile” release of Duke Nukem 3D for this weird PDA-like device. But sadly… it’s not very good. I don’t believe it has anything to do with the real DN3D, other than that it looks sort of similar. Maybe it has the same weapons/enemies as well, but the levels are completely different, so the whole game is different.

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Home Forums Previous Months 14 – March 2018: Duke Nukem 3D Version differences